i'll be back sunday night and will surely have stories, photos and annoying stories of what happens when you bring 8 adult family members, plus 4 children to sin city. wow. hopefully it's going to be as awesome as it sounds...i can only hope.
I love mother's day. i think it's awesome. i really wish that instead of gifts and pampering i could convince the holiday to erase some of the things being a mom gave me-like scaring and a complete inability to be selfish, attend happy hours at a moments notice and carry nothing but a medium sized purse. let's brainstorm on this immediately. we can do this.
so, my mother's day was pretty good. can't believe this is actually my second mother's day. i barely made it out of the hospital last year in time. this year, connor and i took my mom to brunch at Crackers & Co. Yum. Bonus~they were handing out free desserts to moms. I wonder if they would refuse you if you weren't a mom. hmmm. that'd be kinda jerky of them. anyway, then connor and i ran over to Changing Hands where they would only buy two of my twelve books i was trying to get rid of. that's annoying and another post alltogether. my plan was to drop connor off with jeffrey and go and get a facial and massage. unfortunatly when we got home jeffrey and i were wrestling around with connor and he managed to slam the back of his head directly into my nose. holy crap. i iced if for about half an hour and the swelling went down. i had serious concerns that it was broken. happy freakin mothers day to me. anyway, not broken and some serious makeup was able to cover the bruising this morning. awesome. anyway, after the swelling calmed a bit more we went to dinner and then home. all in all a pretty good, quiet day. with our family, any day where we have less than 5 planned activities is a pretty quiet day.
Jeffrey (and connor) did great with the mommy gifts this year. here's some of my loot!