Friday, September 28, 2007

Here I go

well, after much consideration, i've decided to go ahead and start up my own blog. Do people out there really want to know what i'm thinking, what i'm doing, how my world is, well probably not but i do think these serve as a great outlet to journal about what's going on without reverting to junior high and cracking out the pink and purple diary. so, that being said, i'll begin.

some things about me. i like to write in all small letters. this is surely out of pure laziness, i am aware, but it also allows me to type quicker and with greater ease. so, now i am not just lazy but time conscious.

i live in chandler with my handsome husband jeffrey and our son, connor who is 5 months old right now. connor has his own site if you want to check it out. i'll still use his page for All Things Connor and will use this one for me stuff, and Jeff stuff and the small, occasional Connor update. here's a photo of our little family on mother's day this year...

As you can see, the little guy is super small here...about one month old i think. he's much bigger now. sitting up, rolling over, trying solid foods...the whole thing. he'll be crawling any day now. here's a pic of him now...

well, that's all for right now. i'll post again next time i'm feeling clever or when i have something to update everyone with.


Ern said...

Yea! You have a blog on blogspot! Way to go! I love the color choices too.... sooo lindsay to use purple. :)

Katy said...

You made the right choice!