Monday, July 7, 2008

Friday's Daily Dose of Briliance...

So I missed Friday’s post-thanks katy for the reminder first thing today!! I was enjoying the holiday and totally spaced on it.

Here are last week’s can’t miss sites…

Bad Parking-I don’t really know what to think of this. Part of me thinks it’s awesome and hilarious that someone is taking the time to note, stop, get out of their own car, photograph and then submit ignorant and selfish drivers. Another part of me thinks it’s sad that someone is taking the time to note, stop, get out of their own car, photograph and then submit ignorant and selfish drivers.

Frat Pack Blog-I love Vince Vaughn, Luke Wilson and the rest of that adorable group of boys. They crack me up and this site is a great way to movie stalk on what’s coming soon with these guys!!

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