Friday, November 21, 2008

Friday's Dose of Brilliance

Bookswim is like Netflix for books. You pay a monthly fee and you get books in the mail. You read, return and then get more books in the mail. I know what you are thinking, doesn’t the library do something awfully similar? Yes, it does. BUT, you can keep books from Bookswim as long as you need them, and last time I checked my library had 364 people waiting for one book in particular that was awesome. Thanks Keiko for the great site!
I can has cheezburger-because funny pictures of animals (mostly cats) just don’t stop being funny!! I check this site numerous times a day. We’re talking ‘laugh out loud’ here people. Trust.


Katy said...

I love the cat site. I've been laughing for a while now... oh and I deleted that long post. I felt it was too much for my light hearted readers. I feel like I should make a philosophical blog or something. So that way if I turn people off, it's like, hey, this is my "deep thinking shit" and stuff. Yeah, I'm excited for quote friday too. I had to restrain myself from posting like 5 at one time

Ern said...

What a great idea for books! I'm going to look into that! Thanks!