Thursday, August 7, 2008

Toddler Travels

Well, the Colorado trip is over and done and we survived! I guess I should say that the other Southwest passengers survived Connor’s first flight! He really did great, and the crew even gave him a set of wings and a certificate!! We flew in on the earliest flight which had good and bad…the bad was that it meant we had to get up at 3am to get to the airport by 4. 3am is an ugly hour (my excuse for the rough looking photo below) and I’d like to start a petition to ensure that alarm clocks are no longer able to go off at that time. The good thing about flying at 6am is that the flight isn’t usually full and people are usually business travelers and are completely used to the annoyances of travel. Here are some pics from the flight, and no we didn't have him strapped into the normal seat, that was just for photos!

The trip into Greeley was to visit some family that we never get to see. Connor never met his great grandma and she’s the only great grandparent he has left so I wanted to be sure we got to spend some time with her asap. Unfortunately, one of my uncles who has been extremely ill passed away while we were in town so we didn’t make it in time to see him. Here's a horrible photo of grandma, connor and I. She was too tired to sit up, connor wouldn't wake up and so this was the result. yikes. we're a photographer's dream i'm sure...

After Greeley, we got to spend a couple days with Katy and Scott at their new swanky home in Denver. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a nice apartment that wasn’t on tv!! Connor managed to terrify their 3 cats and Scott within just a few moments of his arrival. I think we gave all involved a taste of life with a toddler! Connor’s a good boy, truly, he’s just active, and everywhere…and a boy!! Here's a quick pic of a frightened Sara and then a photo montage of Connor and Arthur's love affair...

Here are some more pics of our recent trip...

Connor loves chicken nuggets, and ranch, and chicken nuggets drowning in ranch.

hmm, which way should i run in the airport?

sharing a nice meal.

1 comment:

Katy said...

ahhhhhh ha ha ha. Their "love affair" that's totally what it was.