Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Not you fat Jesus

So, Jeffrey and I rarely go and see movies anymore...but we've both been looking forward to The Hangover since we saw a trailer a couple months ago. Saw it, loved it, saw it again. I'm not really into buying movies either, but this one I want to own for sure. I mean, we've been to the movies maybe 4 times so far this year and half of those times were to see this freakin movie.
Plus, Bradley Cooper...love.
He plays a creeper really well, but I loved him in some super cheesy made for tv movie with Jason Priestley...something that was kinda like The Bachelor - with awkward rose ceremonies and all.


Katy said...

still have not seen it, but we really want to.

Ern said...

This guy (the cute creeper) is so cute. Love that small, squished face of his.