Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nearly Wordless Wednesday

I'm pretty backed up on getting photos posted, so there are several here. And today's theme is Random.

Here's Connor's new potty. Don't get excited - he's not using it at all. Has zero interest and I think I'm going to go with the "wait until he shows interest" theory. We just got one so that he'd have it when he's ready:) Thanks for the potty auntie ashley.

yeah, he really has no interest other than pushing it around the house...

standing on it...

kicking it...

wearing it as a handbag...

and unwrapping all the TP

just some random carseat photo. note the baseball and glove in his hands. he's completely refusing to get in or out of the car w/o having these items and his little bat. awesome. right now my parenting tactic consists of indulging him.

i mean really - could he be any cuter? i am inclined to say no.

Here are the 3 photos I took from Jack's birthday party. I suck. Hopefully Lauren got some good ones. I think Jill did too.

Jack didn't really get the gift opening yet, but Connor being fresh off his 2nd party decided to assist.

Connor decorating his Mother's Day cards for his 2 grandmas and his 2 great grandmas


Katy said...

Getting used to the potty is like buying a car for most people. You can't just jump right in, you've got to give it a little test drive before. In this case, kicking it around the house

Carly said...

Gosh, Linds...you can really tell that Connor is getting older in these photos. He's actually starting to look like a little boy rather than a baby! Ah...the little Con-man is growing up :)