Thursday, April 8, 2010

Alphabet Obsessed

I've talked on here before of how much I want a cool alphabet mural or something on the wall of Connor's room (too lazy to link back, sorry). I know I'm biased, but the kiddo is pretty smart. He's known his alphabet for about 6 months and loves to hold strangers hostage while he sings it to them. Poor people. They just stand there and I feel like I want to tell them, "don't worry, he sings it really fast". Anyway, he loves pointing out letters when he sees them and I know he'd love something like that. Here's another one I saw today and it's perfect. Maybe a project for while I'm home with Noah and Connor in June/July. Hmmm. Maybe I can include numbers on another wall...he counts to thirty now...though the number thirty is pronounced "twenty ten" in his world.

spearmint baby

1 comment:

Katy said...

ooooh, I LOVE this. This would be a big challenge to take on finding all the mismatched letters, but the payoff would be HUGE! If I see any cheap letters during my antique/craig's list/estate sale outings, I'll pick them up, decorate them and send them your way.