so, i never get concerned with these pandemic things...bird flu, mad cow, SARS...or even Y2K but now that it's been confirmed that someone in AZ has swine flu i have to admit that i'm starting to worry a bit. damn. given our proximity to mexico it's not too shocking that it's arrived in AZ and i'm positive there are way more cases out there. i think we're up to more than 90 confirmed cases in the US and earlier this week a toddler in texas died from swine flu. Granted, the child was Mexican and visiting family in the states but still...starting to get scary.
We got an email from the Kyrene School Distric yesterday notifying parents that the school is in "watch mode" and telling us symptoms to look out for. Our pediatrician office sent out a similar email. It's all i see on the news and seeing pics of the crazies in masks is just too much.
is anyone else worried about this? i'd write more but i have to go sanitize my entire body.
I was wondering when it would hit AZ. I guess it has.
do you have a list of the symptoms?
normal flu stuff i think: nausea, fever, diarrhea, puking.
Nurse Carly to answer your questions: Symptoms to look out for specifically for the Swine Flu are
1. Rapid onset (<72 hours)
2. Fever > 100
3. Cough
Other possible indicators: sore throat, sore muscles, headache, nausea, vomitting and diarrhea
If you are experiencing these symptoms STAY HOME! If symptoms become more severe then go to MD...especially with little ones!! Respiratory distress and dehydration are very serious!
Oh and P.S. I had a pt in OBT tonight that was likely positive. Yikes!
Not too worried...just a new strain of the flu virus so everyone is freaking. Of course I don't want to get it, but I don't want to get the "regular" flu either. It's most dangerous for little, little ones and the elderly...again, just like the "regular" flu. I think working with 3&4 yr olds all day gives me plenty of chances to sanitize myself throughout the day!
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